Action Pistol Shooters,

Attached are the results from the NTSA Action Pistol Match held 2-20-16.  Overall summary is in Excel and PDF, and the zip file has the full Practiscore detail files in HTML.  The HTML results are also posted on the web site at

We had a fantastic turnout with 41 shooters, 22 members and 19 guests.  Mild temperatures and light breezes made for a very nice day for a match all the way through to our finish at around 12:30.  We ran 5 stages and 4 squads, thanks go out to Gary, Kirk and James for running squads and to all the RSO's helping score with Practiscore.  We got through our first official use of Practiscore with only a couple of very minor glitches, and I anticipate smoother operation as we learn the system.  Special thanks go to Mike Brucia for taking care of registration...if anyone noticed a pile of hair at the benches that was from Mike pulling it out as he got everything organized with an entirely new system.

My appologies to the 3 shooters that did not receive preliminary results shortly after the match.  I had very limited time after the match before I was informed that I had other duties for the day (keeping the wife happy is crucial, even on match day) and did not get them added to the email list.  Next month I hope to have the process figured out well enough to get results out immediately after the match (no promises though).

Congratulations to the following shooters:

Combined Overall:
1.  Ryan Wilks
2.  David Calhoun
3.  Tim Roddy
4.  Kirk Stidham
5.  Ryan Wunder

1.  Mladen Dobrosavljevic
2.  James Gray
3.  Jim Bassinger

1.  Ryan Wilks
2.  Kirk Stidham
3.  Robert Hefner

Optic-10 round:
1.  Ken Taliaferro

1.  David Calhoun
2.  Tim Roddy
3.  Ryan Wunder

Stage Winners:
Stage 1:  Ken Taliaferro
Stage 2:  David Calhoun
Stage 3:  Ryan Wilks
Stage 4:  Ryan Wilks
Stage 5:  Jeremy McDaniel

Special note...while we do not have a junior division, we did have a shooter experiencing his first match at 13 years old.  Watch out for Tyler Widmer, with a few matches under his belt I suspect he's going to be tough to beat....

Thank you to everyone for coming to the match and especially those that helped with set-up and take-down of the stages.  It's that extra help that makes these matches possible, it's way too much for any one person to keep up with.  Please provide any feedback you may have on how we can improve the entire experience to ensure everyone has a safe and fun time.

The next match is an Action Rimfire Pistol Match, next Saturday, 2-27-16.  The match is very similar to the centerfire version, but pistols are brought to the line bagged instead of holstered (holsters are acceptable, but start positions are at the low-ready).  Please email if you have any questions, and I hope to see you there.

Thank You,
Rich Naughtin
NTSA Action Pistol

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